It wasn't a big shock to me that the beta was negative. Of course I had been peeing on sticks all along, and although I know that some people get negative HPTs right up until their betas, that's rare. And rare things are... not common.
So here I am. It's amazing to me that I am now in the category of "two failed IVFs". Shouldn't I at least get partial credit for the miscarriage? Like, a D-? But no. Unlike horseshoes and nuclear weapons, close don't count.
I get one more try before my insurance runs out. One more try before IVF moves from "expensive" to "cripplingly expensive" and possibly "unfeasibly expensive".
I'm sore, emotionally and bum-wise. Over the past two days my bum has tipped over from "pretty much okay" to "owowowowow".
I'm sad. I'm scared. But this isn't the suckiest point of my journey.
Below I would like to submit My ratings of the suckiness of negative cycles, in ascending order ot suckitude.
6. BFN, home inseminations #2-8
5. BFN, home insemination #1
4. BFN, IUIs #2 & 3
3. BFN, IUI #1
1. 6w4d miscarriage
At least this time, unlike last time, I don't have the overwhelming sense of having been a sucker.
On the plus side, I managed to avoid both Chatty Phlebotomist and Inappropriate Lab Administrative Assistant and got my blood drawn by Ultra-Sweet Lab Manager. Also, after two months of metformin, I have effortlessly dropped 5 lbs. That might not seem like a big deal, but it's extremely difficult for me to budge even small amounts of weight without going all-out no-carb, and I'm pleased to have a bit more room in the ol' jeans.
Now I stop the progesterone and wait to bleed. Then a new cycle begins, hopefully without too much delay. I think I'm going to do an IUI next cycle, just to keep a hand in, y'know? Just a single IUI because I can't see blowing over $1200 on something with such a low chance of success (and yet, somehow, blowing $600 on the same chance seems perfectly reasonable. Hey, it's only half as crazy.)
The auguries were really great this cycle, too. Stupid auguries.
On that subject, I offer the following dialogue with The "Softscape" Promotional Magic 8-Ball that I got at some trade show:
Me: Why didn't the embryo implant? Was it something I did?
Softscape Magic 8-Ball: VERY LIKELY
Me: Is this ever going to work for me?
Softscape Magic 8-Ball: CANNOT FORTELL
Me: Am I going to lose my fucking mind?
Softscape Magic 8-Ball: PROSPECT GOOD
Maybe I've just been asking the wrong augurs. This one seems bang on.