I was nervous and sickish all day, because the last time I got a positive on the evening of 5dp5dt, which equates to 7dp3dt.
Not this time. Stolidly negative.
I can't decide whether I should be holding on to hope or preparing myself for failure. I believe that attitude counts for bupkiss, so it's strictly a question of what will serve me better. Probably that means I should be steeling myself for the negative. After all, no one needs preparation to be happy.
Right now, in my progesterone funk, all I can think is I can't do this. But of course I can, and I will. I'm not close to quitting, and the alternative to quitting is marching on. My insurance allows three IVF attempts, but unlimited IUIs. I could keep going for a long time. I don't know what else to do.
I'm not giving up yet. I think every pregnancy is different. I didn't get a 2nd line until 14 dpo, and that was so faint that even most infertiles would have missed it. My beta at 16 dpo was only 32, and here I am still pregnant. Hoping that this is just too early for testing.
ReplyDeleteI agree that preparing for a negative is the best option but I do hope it turns up positive.
ReplyDeletegood luck!
Fingers crossed for ya'll!
ReplyDeleteI'm out here thinking of you and hoping for you. I know, too, that you will go on. I know that.