Sunday, July 31, 2011

4dp5dt, 6am

Woke up at 4, couldn't get back to sleep. At 6, got up and peed on stick. Result: a negative so white it could cause snow blindness. Took my glasses off, tilted it hither and yon. Not even a decent evap to entertain myself with.

So it begins...

ETA Lest it all sound too desolate: spending a splendid cuddly day with Small Boy. I set up a pop-up tent-tunnel combination that I scored at Value Village last year and have just now realized that he's old enough for. Later on we'll go to the library, maybe to Whole Foods. It will be a nice Sunday, regardless.


  1. Ah, that sucks! I won't go on about how it's too early and every try is different - you know all that. I hope tomorrow's a brighter day.
