Symptoms: few. I swing between wild optimism and wild pessimism. Things that help: snuggling Small Boy, eating nice food. Things that don't help: reading various fertility boards.
I think I have a touch of PTSD over the last time we did this. I keep losing track of where and when I am now. The despair licks at the edges of my brain, and I realize that I've forgotten, once again, that this is not the same as it was. Once I look around and connect with the present, I feel a thousand percent better.
For my successful pregnancy, I got a (very faint) positive in the evening of 4dp5dt. For my unsuccessful pregnancy, it was 5dp5dt. I currently have in my possession 45 pregnancy tests (shut up. it's a long story. no, it's not.) Peeing will commence tomorrow evening. Who am I kidding: peeing will commence tomorrow morning. In fact, it's a wonder I'm not peeing on something right now.
Ooh! You pee on anything yet? Here's hoping! Xxx