Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 11: Trigger Day

Almost all good news today! My ovaries are humming. A solid handful of follicles popped up overnight. We're now hoping for 10-12 total, much better than I'd feared.

Other good things: my birthday is on Wednesday, and today I went on a shopping spree and snagged the Wii Fit I'd been wanting, as well as a pile of Nintendo DS games. These should keep me out of trouble during any OHSS-related confinement. Which brings me to the only not-perfect thing, which is that my doctor wrote Get your electrolyte and protein drinks ready! on the bottom of my instruction sheet. Underlined. I take it to mean that he expects me to get OHSS again.

Well, we're reasonably prepared, and even if I do get it I expect the whole thing will be less traumatic second time around -- I'll be uncomfortable, but at least I won't be scared.

Oh! And when we were wandering around the mall, I saw this sculpture in the Pottery Barn window and was immediately drawn to it. I wasn't sure why -- according to the label it's a reindeer, and I don't celebrate Christmas and in fact have a slight Jewish-girl jealousy/aversion to Christmasphenalia. And the percentage of times when I walk by a store window, see something, and then go in and buy the thing in the window at full retail approaches zero.

But, as I was looking through the window, my darling reasonably suggested that this sculpture is in fact quite evocative of the Celtic stag-god Herne/Cernunnos. He's a powerful male fertility aspect. I bought the large one, with the leaves blooming from his antlers, and he's making me very happy. My eyes like looking at him, even though he's taking up half of the bedroom vanity.

I intend to hang necklaces on him eventually, but have been warned not to do so until I'm already pregnant, so as not to feminize the powerful male fertility aspect by making him look like a pretty pretty princess.

Update: I have triggered! I am now a ticking time bomb of superovulation! Whee!


  1. Hurrah! And those reindeer are great.

    We see the celebration as more Yule than Christmas; I particularly love the food, the Twelve Days and references to the Wild Hunt.

  2. So relieved to hear about the good crop of eggs! GoooOOOoooo Horned God!

  3. Wha-hooo!! Yay for extra surprise follicles. You sound so good. Happy retrieval!

  4. I love the reindeer. All signs point to yes for this cycle. You are going to be pregnant in no time!!

  5. My first thought about the sculptures was Herne, too! Goooooo, fertility god!
