Friday, November 14, 2008

4 days past ER: mostly sunny with a few clouds

Mostly sunny:
As of yesterday, the embryos were doing great -- 16 of the 19 were "doing well"; 8 of those were 8 cells grade 1. We're set for a transfer tomorrow. This is really really great.

Wednesday was my birthday, and it was nice.

A few clouds:
I've had slight cramping and spotting. I thought to myself "hey, nothing to worry about, it's so slight" but called the RE just to be safe. Apparently telling your RE that you're spotting the day before transfer wins: stat bloodwork, a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, an Estrace prescription at the ready, and the note that if you start bleeding harder to call right away and we'll cancel the transfer.


I'm trying to stay cool. It could all be just fine.

Other slight clouds: the ultrasound showed some fluid sloshing around my abdominal cavity; although I feel okay, I haven't dodged the OHSS thing entirely. I'm to chug electrolyte drinks. Also, my good right arm vein is mostly used up -- guess it gets scarred after a while. The vein I have on my left arm is not very accessible, so if my right arm poops out they will have to start on my hands, which sounds unsightly and unpleasant.

And that's the news.


  1. Crossing all fingers and toes for you!

    So sorry to hear about the veins! Yuck! And OW.

  2. I've had them do my hands a lot, sometimes it works fine. (Sometimes not, but I think this is more about the skill of the phlebotemist--if they're going to your hands, then chances are they've crapped out already on all your arm veins, which may mean that you are just Beyond Their Skill Level and you should ask for a more senior phlebotemist).

    But sometimes it works fine!

    I hope I hope I hope the transfer goes great and you get pregnant.

  3. Crossing my fingers - also hope your right arm continues to work.
