Saturday, November 15, 2008

Transfer day: another dose of mixed news

Good: the spotting, which was only slight, stopped entirely!

Not so good: I had 16 good-looking embryos on day 3. As of today, day 5, I had a couple of mediocre-looking embryos. First round we transferred one 4AA. This time the best we could do was 2BB. No one knows why, of course.

We had such good results the first time that I was barely worried about the embryos between days 3 and 5. Since worrying is how I stave off disaster, obviously this happened because I failed to worry properly. This mistake will not be repeated.

It was pretty upsetting to sashay in there, full of confidence, and get the news. But just because the chances are somewhat reduced doesn't mean that they're zero; babies are born all the time from less-than-perfect embryos.

Well, it is what it is. It's all over now but the waitin' and the hopin'.


  1. I'm sorry that the embryos didn't cooperate, but, you're right, you can still get a baby from a less-than-perfect embryo. I've got my fingers crossed!

  2. How many did you transfer in the end?

  3. Do you have a link to what the ratings mean?

    I'm joining you in the hoping.

  4. Dawn, we did two. I'm really glad we'd already made that decision, given the unexpectedly low quality.

    Shannon, this is a pretty good site with pictures:

  5. All fingers and toes big time crossed for you.
