Thursday, July 31, 2008

7 follicles, 7 days of stim

(note to Mel: no, haven't increased stims -- he felt that raising my dose at this point wouldn't produce more eggs, and he didn't want to speed development on the ones I have, which are already going kind of fast. 9-10 days is optimal, but at last check it looked like mine were going be be ready at 8 or 9 days. I'm hoping for 9.)

I've talked myself into a slightly better place. That better place is not in the general IVF boards, where crops of 15-20 eggs seem normal. No, that place is the Poor Responders board. There 7 follicles is doing well. Plenty of starving children starving infertiles people there would be delighted to have seven follicles. Seven's a lucky number, right? The Magnificent Seven is my darling's favorite movie, like, ever.

Chris and Vin want each other so bad. I'm just sayin'.

Okay, Magnificent Seven it is. I seem to recall that (spoiler alert, but it's a spoiler for a movie released almost 50 years ago, so boo ya) anyway, I seem to recall that three made it out alive. And three good strong healthy embryos would be just ace.

It's also struck me that I might not -- likely won't? get a 5-day blastocyst transfer. Have not really processed the implications of this. There's no good down that road. Never mind. I'm rolling with it. This is me, rolling.

As Vin once said

Reminds me of that fella back home who fell off a ten-story building. As he was falling, people on each floor kept hearing him say, "So far, so good." Heh, so far, so good.

Well. So far, so good.

I'm sorry to be so gloomy. I don't seem to be able to get out of that headspace right now. Recently a whole bunch of my friends-from-the-internets have gotten pregnant. People I really want to be pregnant. And to every one I've had the same reaction to the joyful peesticks: wincing and thinking to myself you might not want to be buying onesies just yet. I felt grimly sure that their parties would shortly come to an abrupt painful end.

But you know what? Every single one of those people is still pregnant and all look fain to have blessedly healthy babies. And I know that every single one of those people considered the chance of miscarriage and chose to celebrate the moment any way. Because that is what living is all about, innit.

It's the so far, so good. Because I'm going where gravity is taking me, so I might as well enjoy the ride. And you know, sometimes (maybe 30-40% of the time) there's a truck carrying mattresses driving by below, or a dumpster full of styrofoam peanuts, and the people who wailed on the way down are exactly as dead or saved as the people who didn't, except the people who didn't had a much better time.

So yeah.

So far, so good.


  1. What a good idea to steer clear of the overproducers - they'll only make you feel like your 7 are underachieving and who needs to feel like that. Quality not quantity, right? I had 4 follicles in my IVF cycle, they retrieved 5 eggs but only 3 fertilised, of those only 2 divided and with a 2 day transfer I got pregnant. Seven is a TOTALLY workable number. Good luck to each and every one of them. Live in the moment, stay positive.

  2. In my IVF cycle, we retrieved over 20, and all of them bit it by day 2.

    We thought we had 7 on Vanessa's stim cycle and ended up with 10. Two made it to blast. I did get pregnant. I lost it, but that was totally my body-- not the embryos.

    FWIW-- I think screwing around mightily with my dosage (and w/Vanessa's actually) negatively affected both of our IVF cycles. I think your doctor is right to hold steady.
