Monday, April 14, 2008

7dp5dt: watch me not freak out

cramps. spotting. three fainter peesticks tonight. more dilute urine maybe? maybe? please?

did get blood drawn for a beta today, so we'll see.

also, have myself an extremely uncomfortable case of OHSS. can't stand up straight, can't inhale deeply, can't bend over, can't walk quickly. it'll be worth it, unless it isn't.

big presentation tomorrow morning for a project we've been working on for months. my brain could not be less present -- and oh yeah, i'll be curled over the podium. that won't look weird.



  1. *keeps fingers crossed*

    Good luck with the presentation as well.

  2. gah!

    *still holding breath*


  3. Hun, I've been sending you hopeful, happy, positive juju all week. I'm still crossed. ox
