Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I'm glad to say that I am much much better -- I have been steadily improving since last Thursday, and this morning I was able to zip up a pair of pants that I own! Exciting stuff, although baggy tops will be my fashion choice for the forseeable future. The water-loss seems to have plateaued at a weight that is only about 5 pounds over my usual weight, but it seems to be a very puffy 5 lbs.

I went back to work on Monday, which was strange and frightening after a week of staring at Internet TV. People have been kind and seem to have realistic expectations of how long it will take me to catch up on the backed up stuff, so that's all good. I have been informed that the rumor mill here has determined that I have a bad back, a fairly natural conclusion given my stooped, awkward gait right before I left.

I love how odd my body feels. Small changes, mostly, but enough to remind me that something is Different. I'm peeing three times a night. My breasts are sore (although not nearly as painful as they were on birth control pills) and heavy. Instead of staying up until 12 or 1 fooling around on the interwebs, I am eagerly turning out the light at 10:30. I burp a lot. My head hurts in the afternoon. It's all pretty awesome, and I am not being sarcastic.

Ultrasound this Friday. I feel naughty and furtive every time I do something that presupposes that this pregnancy is viable, like google hospitals or calculate daycare (urp). It seems arrogant and designed to attract the attention of the bad spirits. But all the same, right now, this minute, I am pregnant and I am delighted and I am going to enjoy every strange second of it.

I've even made the incredibly uncharacteristic choice not to have yet another beta before the ultrasound. I could have another, but I'm not. This week I am letting things unfold. I bet I'll be a lunatic by Friday.



  1. Oh oh maybe you'll see the heartbeat at the ultrasound! SO EXCITING.

  2. EEEK! Happy, happy, happy for you darling! And so glad you're feeling better!

  3. Zipping pants is exciting indeed. As are all the other changes. I'm so excited for you. I hope the ultrasound goes beautifully on Friday.
