This morning's beta: 232, for a doubling time of 50.5 hours. GREAT FANTASTIC CLOSE ENOUGH I'LL TAKE IT!
My hematocrit (how thick and sludgy my blood is) is also greatly improved from Wednesday. This surprises me, because since Wednesday I have just continued to inflate -- I had to borrow clothes from a bodacious friend (thank you dear) because not a thing I own will go over my body, not even my loose t-shirts. And even the jeans I borrowed wouldn't fasten, I had to do the ol' "hair elastic round the button" trick in order to be decent enough to leave the house. I have the perfect pregnancy half-basketball stomach. But despite my startlingly distended abdomen, the OHSS is actually going well. OHSS really only gets scary when your blood gets too sludgy or you stop peeing -- my blood's improving and I am still peeing like a champ (pause for me to accept adulation for this achievement. Thank you, thank you very much.). I'm swilling SmartWater, V8 and Ensure and sloshing gently from the sofa to the bathroom and back again and yeah, that's pretty much my entire range right now.
Part of the cause of my unwieldiness might be my amazing impressive progesterone level -- 352 (normal range for first trimester: 10-47). Holy crap, no wonder I've had heartburn. Anyway, the P4 level could be contributing to poofing me up . RE has dropped my nightly progesterone shot to half of its previous volume. This is good news because a) it might help my various symptoms, and b) it'll hurt less.
Still can't move or eat or sleep too much, but I'm feeling very chipper indeed. I'm hard to convince, but that 50.5-hr doubling time is making me think you know what, I might just be pregnant.
*round of applause*
ReplyDeleteSorry about all the hurting bits.
Whoo Hoo!!
ReplyDeleteI hope your belly shrinks again for a bit before it starts to grow with (dare i say it?) BABY!!!
So glad to hear about the latest results, and congratulations on your peeing!
ReplyDeleteyay! what's the plan from here? will you try for another beta, or wait for the ultrasound?
ReplyDeleteand... geez, wish that you didn't have to go thru all this swelling and discomfort stuff. do you feel like
Violet from W*llie W*nka? feel better soon.
WOW. I'm SO sorry about all the misery, but the HAPPY is so HAPPY! Fingers and toes still crossed!!!
ReplyDelete>>you know what, I might just be pregnant.<<
ReplyDeleteNEENERS. *crossing everything and loving you lots from afar!!!*
gosh, i can't believe how miserably wonderfully pregnancy is treating you so far. i hope this is the worst of it!
Wait a second . . . wait a second . . . you are PREGNANT!? OMG! This is very exciting indeed! Congratulations!