Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 5 of Stims

So far, so good! For posterity I record: right ovary, 7 follicles near 10mm. Left, 5 follicles near 10mm. Estradiol: 667.

My dosage of Follistim has been dropped to 150iu, holding steady on 75iu of Menopur and .05cc of Lupron.

Apparently the estrogen is somewhat on the high side, and of course I am furiously googling to find out the worst case scenario of having high E2. But I am cautiously pleased. I figure if I were hideously overresponding he wouldn't have dropped it to 150iu, he would have dropped it more. I know we don't want the follicles to grow too quickly -- less than 10 days of stims usually means poorer egg quality, I think. But at least I'm not, as they say, stimming like a granny.

*revs up ovaries, Leader-of-the-Pack style*

Yeah, I'm pleased. I didn't hear the two things I was most afraid of: "one huge honking lead follicle" or "poor response". Hopefully we can work out the rest of the details, bring everything into balance so we end up with a lovely large plump cohort of eggs in a dignified time period.

Of course the timing of all this positively couldn't be worse. I've got a two day class on Thursday and Friday, and our fascist training department requires written medical release for coming late to a class. The doctor's office did manage to dig up a sheet of letterhead that doesn't say "Baby-Making Doctor" on it. Hopefully the fact that it does say "Gynecology" will dissuade anyone from asking about the details. IT'S ABOUT MY COOCHIE OKAY. SHH.

Anyway, if we manage to extend the stim period for the desired 10 days, then my retrieval will be on Monday. On Monday I am scheduled to be in another all day class. This is a very special class taught by Fancy Consultant, who was flown 3000 miles and paid eleventy-million dollars to teach it. And I will just not be able to be there. Ooops. Oh, my 12 little follicular chickadees, see how I already am sacrificing my professional prospects for you?


  1. "Stimming like a granny"?

    Glad to hear everything's on track!

  2. This is great news!

    And thank you for making me laugh this morning with ovary revving, YOUR COOCHIE, and your follicular chickadees. :)

  3. Yay, good news! I eagerly anticipate more of same. :) By the way and just for the record, I am really enjoying following along - and not just because I care about you both, but because your posts are well written, thoughtful, and entertaining. GOOD BLOG. WOULD READ AGAIN. a+++++!!!

  4. Wonderful news love! You are so far ahead of me, I'm trying to take notes and learn all I can. But already I find myself saying, "The things we do for you baby..." I am all crossed for you. xox

  5. Amazing, numbers! Woo hoo!

    Let the sacrifices begin!


    I wonder who will be the first to tell the fancy consultant that?

    Sounds like good news on the egg ripening front.
