Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 7 of Stims

Real post later -- right now I just want to jot down the stats for my own reference and, like, the historical record:

Counted 6 follicles on each ovary, range 11-14mm. Lots of smaller ones which likely won't amount to much.
E2: 1181
Follistim reduced to 75iu. Staying with Menopur 75iui and Lupron .05cc.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing just great. FWIW, my doc said that sometimes the larger of the little ones can "catch up" after trigger. i think i did have one or two more than we thought i would have. although in my case we still only wound up with 2 "keeper" embryos.(we did wind up with 1 to freeze). but hey, i'll take it.
    wishing ripeness and maturity for your follies.

    tina (RC)
