Tuesday, February 19, 2008

gah gah gah

Just talked the RE's office. Dr. S is going to be away and between one thing and another my egg retrieval and transfer will likely not be until April.

I can't stand this. I mean, I will stand it, it's hardly the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone ever. But right now I feel like drumming my heels. I am sick, sick, sick of waiting, listening to time pass while everything goes on around me, bellies swell, children grow, the world is moving and I am. waiting.

I need a word that isn't infertility, I don't know if I'm infertile or not, I've barely been able to try. But there still needs to be a word for extended unsuccessful TTC. EUTTC, how's that?

The thing about EUTTC is that it is and isn't infertility. I've never been an infertile straight person so I can't say, but I don't feel the same grim resignation that I see on the faces of infertile straight couples in the RE's waiting room. They feel entitled to have their babies by joyful sexing, and cheated that they can't. And I don't feel that my body, or my husband's body, has let me down.

Nevertheless, I think that infertility and EUTTC have a lot in common, including this feeling of being frozen in time, outside the rhythm of reproduction, left out, left behind, looking through the window at the cozy fire in a house that isn't yours.


  1. hey, just wanted to say hi and let you know i've followed you (bwahahaha!).

    <3 meglett

  2. Wasn't he just out of town? HOW MANY TIMES DOES HE NEED TO GO OUT OF TOWN?

  3. Hi Megan! Thanks for being my cyberstalker today. :D

    Shannon, I KNOW WTF. Unbelievably frustrating. His trip will end up adding another, what, two or three weeks, not sure yet, but it's two or three weeks longer than I am currently in the mood to wait.

    Dawn, mostly my dissatisfaction with the way LJ handles non-registered commenters; also perhaps a desire to just have a fresh start.

  4. hi! glad you moved to blogger. I've been lurking on your LJ blog. Good luck, and i look forward to following along!

  5. Hey! Just popped by to find out the latest...and followed you here. I am sorry to hear about this latest news! What a drag (to say the least).

    BTW really enjoyed your review of Wolfe's book. cracked me up.

  6. ah, pumpkin. when it happens you'll know it all happened at just the right time with just the right egg and sperm. *motherly pat*

  7. Gah, indeed! And how do you pronounce that clever, sad new acronym? I am ew-tee-tee-see?

    Proud to have made the blogroll. I'm off to fix your link on mine.
