Wednesday, March 14, 2007

CD31. 11DPO Pt 2: A lovely little craft you can make at home.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm not a fool for not seeking medical intervention immediately. I have decent insurance that would likely cover a good amount of it. It would probably be cheaper than buying all this ovulation divination equipment.

I recently insisted on a discussion board that I am not process-oriented. I am not looking for a certain conception experience, I just want to get pregnant, and I'll take results over all over concerns.

Clearly that isn't true, though. Why else would I be trying so hard to do this at home, without a doctor? It's true that there's a very real problem with using a known donor, due to various regulations. Yeah, as long as you're sleeping with Mr. Sperm it doesn't matter how diseased he is -- but if you want sperm from a DONOR, some guy with whom you are not DOING THE DEED, then it has to be quarantined for 6 months. wtf. Like having sex with him protects you?

I can't say that's the whole reason, though. The truth is that I just badly want to do this at home, me & B, on our bed. There's so much we can't have in this particular arena. This one thing I have to try for.

Six months. If we've gotten nowhere in 6 months then I'll give up and go to Dr. Fertility, who will probably hate my guts for how much I've read on the subject.

Have I mentioned that I really don't like doctors?

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