This means that in all likelihood I will be ovulating tomorrow. The Ov-Watch was off by a day and change. As long as it's consistently off by a day and change I won't complain. And of course now I'm interrogating my memories, trying to figure out if I was scrupulous enough about wiping the salt residue off the back twice a day.
So it wasn't perfect timing, but wasn't a disaster, either. According to this

we probably hit days 2 and 3, which is not too shabby. Of course, cumulative probability still confuses me -- yeah, I took statistics, but it's been a while -- but it seems pretty clear that the best days are 3 and 4, so if we hit 2 and 3 then we're still in good shape.
On that subject:I think Ov-Watch is a pretty good product. I did my homework and decided that it was worth the money. But I am annoyed to heck by their hired shills, who stalk the internet and then chirpily drop into any conversational forum that contains the term "Ov-Watch". She'll reveal how she struggled to conceive, and then tell the story of how she got an Ov-Watch and how her infertility is upstairs sleeping in ladybug onesies right now.
I think I'll do it.
Ov-Watch Ov-Watch Ov-Watch.
There. It's like saying "Beetlejuice". Now that I've got your attention: cool it, guys. You're not helping. You see, anyone's who's really interested will do exactly what you did: a Google search. And they will see the same few names and writing styles over and over, and they will think "these people must be hucksters who have to pay shills to talk up this watch thingie".
If your product is good -- and it seems to be -- it will sell. TTC and infertile women talk to each, constantly, and research, constantly. If you want the word to spread, get your product into a few well-known bloggers' hands. If it's good, they'll talk about it, and they will sell it for you. There's some marketing advice, lads and lasses. My bill's in the mail.
Ooooh, you know what's an effective nostrum for the stress of TTC? Ranting!
New hobby!
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