Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Where do we go from here?

Merciful things: my hcg is below 5. I did not have to use my DIY Uterine Evacuation Kit. It is over, and was pretty painless.

That was my last shot on insurance. I have no idea what comes next. Crazy Al's IVF Shack? He has a clutch of my embryos from when I was a mere slip of a girl at 34. They're probably in better shape than my creaky miscarrying 38-year old eggs. Although it's possible the uterus is just broken. On the other hand, Al froze them in a second-hand popsicle maker, so the thawing attrition is likely going to be ugly. Al's documented success rate with frozen embryos is like 13%. If I wait until January I could have one more cycle covered at Al's, and out-of-pocket cycles are likely to be cheap because hey, Al.

From the clutch of 9 at Big Shiny Fertility Factory, I have three left. I could do at least one more cycle with them.  It would be out of pocket, and expensive. I'm a bit resentful about how expensive, considering that I now know exactly what the insurance reimbursement they received for the same cycle was, and believe me, it's less than half the amount I'd be shelling out.

Search terms recently typed into google

secondary infertility g-

Google helpfully supplies
secondary infertility guilt
secondary infertility grief
secondary infertility giving up

I don't know what's next. I didn't honestly believe that I'd be here. I somehow trusted in the narratively satisfying ending of my third attempt succeeding.  I am beginning to suspect that my uterus is not all that invested in my narrative satisfaction.

I would like to tag this with "moving on" but I'm not at all sure where I'm moving on to.


  1. :( :( :(

    January's not very far away...

  2. I've been thinking of you guys lots, and trying to come up with the perfect comment that will make everything all better. Decided that wasn't so helpful, so I guess I'll just say that it sucks to have to factor finances into this already-stressful project, and I hope the way forward becomes clearer. (and I'm curious about Crazy Al's IVF shack...)
