Wednesday, December 19, 2012

8w ultrasound

No heartbeat. Game over.

I'm okay. Disappointed, to put it mildly, but okay. For the past ten days I've been worrying about the fact that she thought it was likely identical twins -- two yolk sacs, one gestational sac  -- and I am not a great candidate to carry twins, for a variety of reasons. But in retrospect, it turned out not to be an issue, huh?


Now I just stop my meds and wait for it to... pass. I was pleased and surprised to be given prescription pain-relief. My last doc didn't offer me that, but then again the miscarriages were much earlier last time. I hope this doesn't hurt too much. My theory is that doing it naturally will be less painful than taking the misoprostol. We'll see.

Just... damn.


  1. Sigh, sorry. On to brighter days, I hope. At least there can be alcohol on NYE, right?

  2. My heart sank when I saw this. I am so, so sorry to read this. I'm thinking of you.

  3. Damn, indeed. So sorry to hear this. Thinking of you guys.

  4. :-(

    I'm sorry - I was hoping this would be it.

    Thinking of you.
