Monday, August 8, 2011

That was mercifully quick.

Today's beta = negative. I didn't ask, but I assume that means <5. Kinder, in a way, since I've no decisions to make. I'm stopping meds tonight.

I've asked about doing an endometrial biopsy this cycle. I don't know if that fits the doctor's definition of a "rest cycle" or not, but I hope it does -- at least it would keep me amused. And there's some evidence that endometrial biopsies increase implantation on the cycle that immediately follows. It's all pretty voodoo, but most of this process is.


  1. I'm sorry. I'm glad though that this isn't going to be any more painful and drawn out than it has to be. Take care.

  2. I'm so sorry it wasn't an against-the-odds miracle story, but I'm glad for the mercifully quick part.

    I'm thinking of you.
