Friday, August 5, 2011

9dp5dt:: No beta today, weirdly enough!

Morning pee-stick report: FRER (First Response Early Results, for those not on the crazytrain), faint but definite positive. Reputed to have a sensitivity of 12.5 miu. IC (that's Internet Cheapie, wondfro, to be precise): darker than last night, but still exceedingly faint. Reputed to have a sensitivity of 25 miu.

I'm not going for my beta today; I'm going tomorrow. It's not as crazy as it sounds. My doctor usually tests at 10dp5dt (15 dpo), but he offered me the option of doing it a day early because 10dp falls on a Saturday, and it's a bit less convenient to get to the lab on a Saturday.

Of course I assumed that neither man nor beast could keep me from my day-early beta. That is just not who I am. Like Pippin, I always have to look. But now... I'm strangely moved to wait.

For once, I have a feeling that this is out of my hands. Maybe I'm just reluctant to crack open that box and make the cat alive or dead. For whatever reason, I'm just sitting quietly at this crossroads for one more day.


  1. I am going to have to be that person who says: a positive test is a positive test, so I'll be over here celebrating. I'm so excited to hear some great beta news tomorrow!!!

  2. Oh this is sounding so hopeful. I'd say looking so hopeful, but you've not put up any test photos! Go on, you know you want to! Just for me? X
