Monday, November 24, 2008

9dp5dt/14dpo beta


Progesterone: 320.

Over the weekend I
  1. peed on 1,214 sticks
  2. convinced myself that the line was getting lighter, not darker
  3. had weeping fits since it was clearly all over
  4. gathered up all my peesticks and begged Her Indoors to hide them very, very well.
I think some of the leftover crazy from the miscarriage is bubbling over. I just can't help thinking of how high I was then and how fast and hard I fell. But that's the way of it, isn't it? There's no way to want something this precarious this much and not be in terrible danger.

I have been staring at the clock all day. These are the things I mentally rehearsed hearing:
Your results are back -- the beta was 8 and you can stop your medication.
The beta was 18

The beta was 26
The beta was 54

We're supposed to call for results between 3 and 4. At 2:59 I picked up the phone and the moments I was on hold I could have measured by the heartbeat pounding in my ears.

115 is a solidly normal beta. Not high, not low. Last time at 14dpo my beta was 74, on the low side, although not wildly so. 115 is a happy number. 115 is a healthy number. 115 is just fine.

In other news, no surprise, I have developed a mild case of OHSS. At least, I thought it was mild; when I went in to have my blood taken this morning, Inappropriate Lab Admin Asst took one look at me and said "You blowin' up again?" Me: "Looks like." Anyway, besides the OHSS, I feel pretty good. Not a lot in the way of symptoms except cramps, which don't concern me -- I figure it's just the embryo bedding down. No spotting at all.

Thanks so much for all of the good wishes and crossed fingers on my previous post. Really can't say how much it means to me that you are all out there rooting for us. I could never have anticipated the extent to which this has become a group project.

Next adventure: Wednesday's repeat beta. Since you all did such a splendid job with the finger-crossing for this beta, your next assignment is think doubley thoughts.


  1. Hooray - solid beta! I'm going to think higher than double thoughts just to be sure.

  2. double double double double double
    double double double double double

  3. The next one is going to be in the 300's at least!!

  4. Thinking doubley thoughts and happy little embryo settling in thoughts!

  5. wonderful, wonderful! I will stay on-task with the thinking and hoping.

  6. Absolutely thrilled for you :)
    Thinking big beta number thoughts for you!


  7. What a pretty number. Fingers remaining crossed for you both.

  8. 115 is a beautiful number. Nothing's as beautiful as normal right now. Normal. Singleton. Healthy. The OHSS SUCKS but it's a good sign. This makes me so happy. Take care of yourself.

  9. doubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubleydoubley

  10. Nice! Thinking good thoughts of the doubling variety!

  11. oh I am hoping it doubles. 115 is a really nice number.
