Sunday, May 4, 2008

My weekend

All day I kept eagerly rummaging in my nether reasons to see if I'd begun to bleed. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

Saturday night we went to Target. All week I'd been planning a trip to Target after the Friday ultrasound, after we heard a heartbeat. I was going to do a victory lap around the maternity clothes and even walk casually through the baby department.

Well, I love Target. I was not going to miss my Target trip just because I was suddenly unpregnant, dammit.

We went and had a good time. Bought dog biscuits and I'm suddenly unsure what else, but I know there were like five bags, so we must have bought some other stuff as well. Had a good time despite the fact that they clearly made a mistake letting me in the door, because every other woman there was visibly pregnant. One of the men looked a little suspicious, too.

When I stopped at the bathroom on the way out, I had begun to bleed, just a little.

Woke at 7:30 cramping like a mofo. Hobbled to the bathroom and realized that I was beginning to bleed in earnest. The next four hours or so weren't pretty. I guess I'm lucky in that with my period I don't usually cramp that much, which is to say that I had no idea that cramps could be this painful. Naproxen and heating pads didn't make a dent. I had to just breathe through them. The nice part was that in between cramps, when they stopped, they were completely gone and I felt totally fine, until the next one hit.

Bled heavily until around 11:30. Being up and walking around made it somewhat better. B made us delicious buttermilk pancakes and bacon and we took it out on the porch.

The next part I am putting in invisible ink for my more sensitive readers, or anyone who simply does not desire to read about the contents of my uterus. Select the text with your mouse if you wish to see it, you gross thing you.

While eating breakfast, I felt something utterly unlike a period cramp -- a sharp lancing pain that made me gasp. I went upstairs to the bathroom and passed three clots each about half the size of my fist. Then I suddenly felt much, much better. Not just physically but emotionally. Can't really explain it.

After that the flow slowed right down. I've had intermittent cramping, but nothing like this morning. That can't be it, there wasn't enough, too easy -- but I feel like something happened, and for whatever reason I have been feeling much better, even a little peaceful. My sweetie's practical explanation is that my ridiculously high hormone levels have finally settled down. She might be right about that. Whatever the reason, I'm grateful.

Edited to add: I'm the luckiest girl in Girlville. Just walked into the bedroom to find that the woman I am blessed to call my own prepared us a spontaneous Beltaine feast, to be served in bed. Now she knows that I love eating in bed like I love ... well, there just isn't anything I love that much.

The food is so lovely I had to take pictures, which will be posted shortly. White wine, beautiful beets, this interesting clam-potato-fresh dill-homemade lemon mayo salad with avocado curls, and the prettiest fruit salad you've ever seen.

I am the luckiest asshole ever.

Gotta go eat.

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