Thursday, April 10, 2008

3dp5dt: pain in the ass

My ass, that is, and I'm talking about the progesterone here.

I must be a real wimp. See, I don't have the dread progesterone in oil, which everyone knows is incredibly painful. I have progesterone in ethyl oleate, nice and thin, which can be injected with a slender 25ga needle. Furthermore, I have my deft-handed darling to inject me, which she does skillfully and nearly painlessly. I do not have a single bruise on my alabaster bottom.

Nevertheless I feel like I've been kicked in the arse hard, once on each cheek. My work chair is thankfully pretty comfortable (a Herman Miller Aeron mesh -- I know, very dot com), but my car seat hurts, our dining room chair hurt, and most notably, toilet seats hurt. And there is just no way around that last one.

Maybe it's a real estate issue. I am far from being a skinny young thing; my BMI classifies me firmly as "overweight", although not obese. But, despite my general adipososity, my bottom is amazingly flat and small. There isn't that much to sink a 1.5" long needle into. Hurm.

Today is a sad day. I woke up feeling sad. Then I came to work and realized that I'd missed a meeting that had been rescheduled. I'd been informed, of course, but had failed to transfer that information to my calendar. Durrr indeed.

I dunno. I'm trying to keep loose, here, but right now I just feel... sad. I blame the progesterone.

Please use space below to whine and keep me company.


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling bummed (hurr hurr see what I did there).

    Things I can currently be whiny about:
    1. I have a headache.
    2. I wanted to go see Dan Savage give a talk on Tuesday but Sam didn't get home in time to take over babyminding
    3. Sam spent the day at the RSA conference and is currently drinking free beers at an afterparty, while I'm at home with the baby feeling increasingly sulky.

  2. Oh, that is all very whine-worthy. I hope you can at least wash down a painkiller with a non-free beer and then pointedly not have sex with your husband when he returns.

  3. :( i am sorree that your bum hurts. and that you missed your meeting.

    my nose is still running off my face, and i went to bed at 6 [SIX] last night, so now i am awake and SHOWERED at 5. AM. BEFORE THE SUN IS UP.

    arg and such. would you like a massage? i have my taaaaable again!

  4. Progesterone is SO powerful, it amazes me! My whine is: "why is it still snowing???????" Hope the sadness doesn't hang around too long.

  5. *special cuddling*

    aside from the obvs whines involving work sucking and roboeye hurting, one of the cats keeps thinking it is amusing to puke on my clothes and underthings (note- not while i am wearing them, thankfully). one might suggest that i don't leave things strewn about on the floor, BUT THAT IS CRAZYTALK!

    ilu mei.
