Friday, July 6, 2007

CD18: Well, that's not very useful.

The good:
2/3rds of my technology agreed! The OvaCue and OvWatch both think I'm ovulating tomorrow, as do my OPKs. Transvaginal ultrasound confirmed good mucus, a 19mm follicle ready to pop, and a nice thick endometrial lining.

The bad:
The sperm were all dead, tailless, or both. This could be a consequence of a new freezing technique that B used, or of being frozen at all, or it could be a bad batch of sperm, or it could be a problem with KD. So here I am, all fertiled up and nowhere to go. There's something depressing about being full of dead sperm.

For good measure, when we got home we used a vial that we had left over from the first batch, frozen with a different technique. Perhaps something's alive in there. The chances are not good, though.


There's a whole bunch of things we need to think about. KD has just had major surgery, so who even knows when he'll be back in the sperm-producing business. I guess what needs to be done is:

switch back to the original freezing technique and get the doc to look at that.  If that looks good, then yay. if not,
get the doctor to look at a sample of the fresh-shipped, unfrozen. If that looks good, then yay. If not,
ask donor to get semen analysis.

and then see where we are from there.

Bleah, bleah, bleah. Bleah.

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