Saturday, May 19, 2007

CD4: The reward of not being pregnant

...that would be the two glasses of sangria and two glasses of sauvignon blanc I've got on board. Wheeeee! I mean, I fully intend to have the occasional glass of wine, if only to piss off all the bad-science-wielders and moralists who ignore, hide, or lie about the fact that moderate alcohol consumption has not been shown to have an effect on fetal development.

Okay, logical thinkers, here's an exercise. What's wrong with this paragraph?

It used to be believed that drinking moderate amounts (a drink a day) was relatively safe. But it's only recently been discovered that children of women who drank during pregnancy — even those who had as little as one drink a day — were experiencing developmental problems throughout their childhood and even into adolescence. A 2002 study by the University of Pittsburgh found that children of mothers who drank at least one drink a day during their first trimester weighed, on average, 16 pounds less at the age of 14 than those with no exposure to alcohol in the womb.

*headdesk* Stupidity, or willful misunderstanding? I'm cynically betting on the second. There is such a need to control/threaten/fondle pregnant women that people's brains seem to fly straight out the window.

But anyway. I will have an occasional drink when I'm pregnant, but not the occasional four, so HI. HI.

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