To do list for this cycle:
- buy more Vitex
- send shipper(s) back to KD
- take stock of OPKs, order more?
Chances are excellent that this cycle will (like April's) have lousy timing, i.e. ovulation on a Monday. Ovulation on a Monday means that the closest I can get is two days before.
This is for the birds. I'm going to have B figure out how to make spunkcicles. She's looked at a protocol and says it doesn't seem difficult. I figure then KD can ship at his leisure during the month, we can freeze some of it, still try to get the fresher stuff, but on the months when O is on a Monday, it could make all the difference.
I also go to a doctor on Tuesday and will ask her to proclaim me an official lesbian so I can get a fertility clinic referral. I still wish for a quiet cozy romantic giggly conception on our enormous antique bed, but that desire is being somewhat tempered by the desire to actually, you know, get pregnant.
I'm just afraid that going to a clinic will shut B out of the process; I'll be the patient and she'll be... what? I hate that thought. But I'll hold my nose and do it, if that's what it takes. I'm sure that once an actual infant is produced we will have little time to brood about the exact circumstances of its creation.
And oh hey, introducing this month's ticker: Baby-Kaiju!

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