Tuesday, March 27, 2007

CD11: le argh

Frustrating things:

The ClearBlue monitor showed a peak this morning. WTF? WTF? This is silly because
1) I never in my life ovulated on CD12;
2) It never showed any highs;
3) None of my other signs line up (mucus, cervical position)
4) My other two machines don't agree (Ov-Watch hasn't hit Fertile Day 1, OvaCue says we're four days out but is probably too early as usual)
5) The OPKs do not find a LH surge.

On the other hand, the OPKs did show a faint line, which typically I don't get until a few days prior to ovulating. And my cycle may well be changing; many people have warned me that the Vitex will regulate my cycle, but will also change it.

I guess I will just hope that it's a blip. See, it doesn't matter any way, since if I did surge today it's too late. I told KD that I'd tell him the day before a shipment was needed; if I tell him to go today and he ships tomorrow I'll receive it on Thursday, which would probably be too late. Unless it's a blip and so was the light OPK and in fact I have a few more days. *prays*

I really, really don't want to miss trying this month.

So, just to recap, the lack-of-consensus is:

ClearBlue says I will ovulate in the next 48 hours.
OvaCue says I will ovulate on CD14, 72 hours.
Ov-Watch says it will be at least 96 hours.

Reproductive organs
No fertile mucus at all
Cervix medium-low

Unknown ferning state, will check tonight
Mg/Ca dip on CD5, but last month I didn't start checking until CD7 (got dips on 11 and 12).

Womynly instynct
No fucking clue.

My sole asset: the time difference. I don't have to figure out until 3pm our time.

Possible confounding variable: dinner. I had a huge amount of asparagus last night. It certainly make my pee smell funny; I wonder if it could interfere with the various urine-based technologies? I guess it could either increase LH (seems less likely) or produce something or other that the sticks can mistake for LH.

OTOH, perhaps it's silly to think that just because asparagus produces a result I can smell that it has any  more impact than any other food.

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