Sunday, July 28, 2013

5dp5dt: the evidence for and against

Data that support my being pregnant this cycle:
  1. I did a super good job of distracting myself. In fact, we decided to up and get married with two weeks' notice, which definitely took my mind off Things.  The planning was a bit crazy, but the wedding was lovely. And three days after the wedding, we transferred two blastocysts to my uterus.
  2. My lining rocked, which is to say that it was over 8mm, which for an Asherman's patient is awesome.
  3. It would be hilarious if I got pregnant the same week I got married, so people could count back and make jokes about shotgun weddings.
  4. I have been chock full of symptoms. Heavy draggy cramps, sore breasts, I got 'em. I have been quietly Sure for days.
  5. My acupuncturist said I had really good energy. 

Data that support my not being pregnant this cycle:
  1. It's 5dp5dt, or 10dpo, and my test strips are stark, stark white. I have been pregnant four times, not counting the lame-o chemical. I have never not had at least a faint line by now. Good betas, bad betas, I always had something by now.

There are 5 reasons why I am pregnant this cycle, and only 1 reason why I am not. The mathematically-inclined observer will note that 5>1.

Sadly, though, I think that single piece of evidence against rather outweighs  the five votes for.


  1. Congratulations on your marriage.

    And here's hoping for a line soon.

  2. :( I am sorry that the one stubborn piece of evidence refuses to get with the program.

  3. Seems to me like this should be a democracy, and the five votes should win over the one. So sorry to hear your news. It really sounded like this was it.

    Congrats on the wedding! How cool!
