Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I didn't even know I was supposed to be worrying about that.

Turns out I have Asherman's Syndrome (a.k.a. intrauterine adhesions or scarring of the uterus.) Impossible to tell whether it was caused by the c-section and then went on to cause the miscarriage and subsequent D&C, or whether it was caused by the D&C.

There I was all worried about my estrogen and follicles, when I should have been worried about my uterus.

Well, fuck.

I'm not sure what comes next. The online Asherman's support group say that it's very important to be treated by an experienced surgeon. There's one a few states away, near where my sister lives. I could go up there, I guess. I don't know. Maybe I should do a freeze-all cycle first. I'm 38.5 and not getting any younger. I don't know. It's all so exhausting to think about.

I would just like one fucking thing to be easy, thanks.


  1. Well shit. That's a whole new can of worms. Sorry you keep getting stopped and stalled. Will your insurance cover a cycle just to freeze? What if you do a cycle and transfer one you don't expect to make it?

  2. :-(

    I've never even heard of Asherman's Syndrome before. That's just crap.

  3. WTF???? That's totally unfair. So sorry to hear that there's yet another hurdle.

  4. I'm so sorry. That just really fucking sucks.
