Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 2 embryo report

My little flock is doing well! They're supposed to be between 2 and 4 cells on the second day. Currently the breakdown is:

5 cell: 1
4 cell: 13
2 cell: 3
1 cell: 1

I feel protective of that poor little 1-cell. Can't help but think of the very-mediocre 2BB embryo that turned into our perfectly-splendid small son.

This practice calls every single day with an embryo update, which I really, really appreciate. I'm also trying to remember that, last time, my embryos were gorgeous through Day 3, went through an ugly duckling stage from days 4-5, and then bloomed out beautifully on Day 6 (including the one in my uterus).

It's nice to be sharing good news. <3

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing to read the good news. This is fabulous!
