Friday, February 17, 2012


The good news is that I finally, finally, finally got my period, a cool 65 days after the D&C.

The bad news is that my blood pressure has inexplicably gone crazy, and I can't start an IVF cycle until it's under control again. If my cycle goes back to being regular (please please) then that means probably another 32 days.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

On the interesting side, apparently two miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy adds up to "three losses", which won me a karotype and a recurrent loss panel.  I had about a pint of blood drawn; we shall see if anything turns up. I'll be surprised if it does. I honestly think it's just been a bit of bad luck. I mean, theoretically I know that for some people the ratio of positive pregnancy tests to babies is 1:1, but... it seems like a frankly ludicrous thing to expect.

I guess I'll spend this month, I dunno, inhaling lavender and doing yoga breathing and drinking pomegranate juice and stuff. I let a lot go by the wayside in order to survive the whole becoming-unpregnant thing:I guess this month is my chance to get as sane and healthy as possible before I get back on the crazytrain.

1 comment:

  1. a month for you to be sane and healthy sounds good. Mmmm, I bet lavender pomegranate would make a tasty sorbet.....
