Thursday, December 4, 2008

24DPO beta


Doubling time: 49.7 hours.

There's no progesterone because I wasn't due for another beta. I've been cramping a whole lot (no spotting though), and my OHSS suddenly got all better, and I was utterly convinced that I was miscarrying again. So I fished out one of the many beta lab slips from my last miscarriage (m/c betas don't care about progesterone). I just waltzed right in and gave it to lab and got my blood sucked. I figure what are they gonna do, put the blood back? Not tell me the results?

Anyway, the take home messages are
  1. As of 8:30 Thursday morning, I am still pregnant and everything is still in normal range;
  2. I have truly never been crazier than I am right now.
Really. Everyone else must be feeling really, really sane right now because I am using up all the crazy.

I'm going to go home and sob with relief and bury my head in Animal Crossing. I figure this set of results will give me 24-36 hours of relief before the crazy starts up again.


  1. Hurrah! (In a fingers-crossed sorta way).

  2. I'm so glad things are still looking good. And, if I may offer some advice - do whatever you need to do to stave off the crazy.

    I spent my first trimester convinced I was miscarrying, dreading every OB appointment because I was sure I would hear something was wrong (but desperately wanting every OB appointment because I wanted to know the baby was okay). I wish now that I had done what I needed to do to reassure myself. It isn't like I would have been the craziest pregnant woman my doctors had ever seen, and it would have made me so much happier and calmer.

  3. ::makes soothing noises and pets your head:: Hang in there, sweets!
