Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 9 of Stims

This morning's ultrasound was fine -- reducing the Follistim dosage to 75iu seems to have slowed things down a good deal. Counted 14 follicles; one was 13mm, two were 17mm, and the rest were 14-15mm. Uterine lining 13mm.

Things I am worrying about now: did the follicle growth slow down too much? Will my uterine lining be too thick by the time we transfer? Will I break the internet by over-Googling?

The E2 results should be back soon, and then we'll know the plan. Likely trigger is Monday, with retrieval on Wednesday. This pleases me because I have a lot of annoying meetings on Wednesdays.

ETA: Bloodwork back. E2 is a startling 3460. 75iu of Follistim/75iu Menopur today, no Follistim at all and just Menopur tomorrow. I think this is called "coasting". A swift google reveals that coasting does not compromise pregnancy rates, and may even lead to better-quality embryos. (or perhaps the women who are responsive enough to require coasting simply produce better-quality embryos. either way I'll take it.)

Monday morning more bloodwork, another ultrasound. Dr said probably trigger Monday night for a Wed retrieval, but if my E2's very high at that point I imagine I'll coast another day or two.

ETA2: after looking around, I'm not sure it qualifies as coasting since we're continuing the Menopur. So now I'm all worried about OHSS again. Man, if this cycle gets canceled I'm going to feel as flat as a very very flat thing.

1 comment:

  1. Don't fret over OHSS. Numbers don't mean as much you'd think. If you are feeling okay, and the doc isn't worried, just breathe. Your numbers look amazing to me. Trade ya!
