1) Ultrasound this morning. I have a uterus! I saw it! And ovaries, two of 'em! And follicles, lots of very small ones, and one that is about 14mm. That's still undersized, so I likely have a few more days til ovulation -- perhaps Monday or Tuesday.
2) Since I had a ways to go, I had the HSG. It was not at all awful. There was maybe a minute of cramping bad enough to make me grimace, but certainly no worse than menstrual cramps. Then it was over, and I got to admire the lovely smooth walls of my uterus, hear how evenly it filled, and be praised for how gaily my fallopian tubes spilled dye into my abdominal cavity. In short: looks perfect. I can let out a little breath that I've been holding for 15 years, ever since I was treated for PID. Full steam ahead! Anyway, I had taken the rest of the day off, just in case. So now I am blessedly home with the dogses. I am actually a little crampy off and on, but nothing too bad.
3) I have a job interview in two weeks. I mention it on this journal because I keep thinking what if what if what if what if... Could I walk into a new job, knowing that I'm pregnant? Knowing that I may be pregnant soon? Could I walk away from my lovely generous insurance with its infertility coverage? Could I walk away from my laid-back cushy job, five minutes from home, where they're used to me coming in at sometime o'clock? But this would represent a big step up for me career-wise, and financially. It's way too early to worry about what might happen if I am offered a job that I haven't even interviewed for yet, but of course I can't stop thinking about it.
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