- The snacking. Seriously, I love to eat. I am now mandated to have three snacks as well as three meals a day. For the health of my baybeeee. I always have another meal to look forward to really soon. The eating starts the minute I get up and have breakfast, and does not end until my bedtime snack. I was born for this task.
- My glucometer. I love gadgets. I love pink gadgets. I love things that monitor other things.
- The ritual of checking my blood sugar. It seems very magical. How many rituals nowadays include washing your hands, laying out your tools, and then making yourself bleed?
- I am now of slightly more interest to my busy high-risk OB.
- Abovementioned OB asking me how I was coping with the insulin shots made me feel pretty butch, since they are absolutely nothing compared to three rounds of IVF with injected IM progesterone.
- I had ultrasounds at 12 and 18 weeks; I wasn't supposed to get another until 36 weeks; on the strength of the GD, I think I've managed to talk my way into one at 32 weeks. We are quite wild to see him again.
In other news, 29 freaking weeks! I am so glad to be here, at a place where the little guy has a decent chance of coming out okay even if he's evicted early. My goddaughter and her twin brother were born at 27w3d and, although they came through amazingly well, gave all of us (but especially their parents) some terrifying times. Every day that passes is a gift.